Student Life & Activities

In 5th-6th, students continue with physical education and have access to Spanish elective classes.  In addition, an elective program begins which allows students to select their own classes for two periods a week.  Electives last for a trimester each, thus allowing students to sample different elective classes each year.  Our goal is to allow students a chance to dive deeply into areas of interest or explore new and unknown skills and talents as they plan for their elective path through the high school years. 

Electives in middle school have historically included a wide variety of visual and performing arts, running, computer programming, creative writing, Fantasy Football, academic support, storytelling, competition in the Southern California Junior Forensics League, intramural and competitive sports, cooking and gardening through our participation in the Edible School Yard Project, Improv, art, music, student council, graphic design, journalism, photography, theater, chess, coding, yoga, dance, and much more.