Support Services

The vision of Larchmont Charter’s special education program is to ensure life success and/or college success by providing quality instruction to all students with special needs in the least restrictive environment. While the co-teaching model is the ideal method in providing instruction for students with special needs, Larchmont Charter recognizes that given its student population and facilities challenges, it will take some time to achieve this goal. At this time Larchmont Charter implements a pull-out/push-in method in providing services for students with special needs.

Larchmont Charter also provides speech, occupational therapy, counseling, adapted physical education, educational- related intensive counseling services, recreational therapy, and behavior intervention supports.

Our goal for our students with special needs is to master strategies and skills to compensate for their disability to enable them to demonstrate learning or proficiency/mastery of the common core standards with the end goal of being exited from the special education program prior to high school graduation. 
